COE Regional User Groups

The COE RUGS are regionals user groups uniting the users of Dassault Systèmes software solutions.  These users share a common geographic location for meetings throughout the year.  Click on a RUG below to visit the community page to access announcements, discussion forums, learn about upcoming events, and network with other members of the RUG.  The COE Regional User Group Community is an important part of the COE Community. RUG leaders are always looking for new ideas, and would like to hear from you.

Type Location Group Name
Regional United States Regional North Texas CATIA Operators Exchange (NT-COE)
Regional United States Great Lakes Area CATIA Operators Exchange (GLACOE)
Regional United States Southeast COE RUG (SCOPE)
Regional United States Western Michigan CATIA Users Group (WMCUG)
Regional United States Wichita Area RUG
Regional Canada Quebec COE RUG
Regional United States Indianapolis Area RUG
Regional United States NE Ohio RUG
Regional United States Southern California RUG
Regional United States Central/Southern Ohio RUG
Regional United States San Francisco Bay Area RUG

International CATIA User Groups

South America Brazil CATIA EUCA Brazil 
Europe France UCODS
Europe The Netherlands NLCUA
Europe Switzerland SCUA
Europe Germany The GSE
Europe Turkey CATIA Turkey Forum
Europe Czech Republic CATIA Czech Forum
Asia Pacific India CATIA V5 User Group India

RUG Leaders

If your RUG is having an upcoming meeting, please contact COE at to arrange for COE giveaways and information to be sent to your meeting. 

We'd be glad to add any other national, international or regional Dassault Systemes related user groups. If you are interested in starting up a RUG please contact COE Headquarters to request a RUG start-up kit.