COE Academic Membership

COE Academic member institutions, educators and students have complimentary access to many of COE’s valuable benefits that help connect them to real-world user stories within the Dassault Systèmes user community.


COE's Academic Foundation Supports You

COE’s Academic Foundationa tax-exempt 501c3, funds an exceptional group of student Dassault Systèmes users to participate in COExperience. This opportunity allows you to not only learn and develop new skills, but to network with industry professionals and other students, and potentially secure a job post-graduation.

As a student or professor, you are eligible for a complimentary registration COE membership. You must either have a .edu email address at sign up or submit proof of enrollment to

Connect with Dassault Systèmes

Join us for a two-day webinar series dedicated to Academia! The COE Academic Program: 3DEXPERIENCE in Education will cover updated from Dassault Systèmes, Technical Talks from important leaders within the academia, and a sharing of best practices and solutions.


Academic Member Benefits

Click each icon to learn more! 


COExperience offers an in-person opportunity to connect with fellow users and share insights on similar business challenges. Attendees also get an up-close look at the latest products and technologies, with the opportunity to evaluate their relative applicability for emerging needs, learning how to implement valuable solutions through hands-on labs and sessions.

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COE Discussion Forums are where expert users share ideas and insights with each other. Spark up a conversation with your peers or ask a question to make your work more efficient.


From thought leadership to industry events and important COE updates, COE’s e-newsletter, NewsNet is your go-to communication. Your subscription provides you with valuable takeaways from interviews with industry experts covering educational tracks, system updates, user stories and more. 


As a COE member, let your voice be heard within the organization by joining the Board of Directors or participating in a committee. Help ensure that COE continues to be a go-to resource for professional and personal development.