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Welcome to the COE Content Center! This page includes listings of news, proceedings and webinar recordings. While the descriptions are available to all, attachments and videos may only be available to members. Make sure you are logged into your member account to view.

COE University, Proceedings

6150: DELMIA Multi-Axis Machining Essentials (MMG)

COE University, Proceedings

6151: (ASD) CATIA Assembly Design Essentials

COE University, Proceedings

6153: (GSD) CATIA Generative Shape Design Essentials

COE University, Proceedings

6155: (CPE) CATIA Composites Design Essentials

COE University, Proceedings

6157: Introduction to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

COE University, Proceedings

6202: Hands on session: SFE concept connected to 3DExperience platform

COE University, Proceedings

6207: Making the Transition from CATIA V5 design to CATIA 3DEXPEREINCE 2017x

COE University, Proceedings

VBA Re-Use Function Libraries

Design, Proceedings

6121: PRODUCT (SDS) How the Latest CATIA Release Improves the Design Process by Bringing Human Design and Immersive Visualization

Design, Proceedings

6008: (EME) Overview of CATIA EEA Electrical Solutions
