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Welcome to the COE Content Center! This page includes listings of news, proceedings and webinar recordings. While the descriptions are available to all, attachments and videos may only be available to members. Make sure you are logged into your member account to view.

COE University, Proceedings

6012: Leap onto the 3DEXPERIENCE platform with CATIA V5

COE University, Proceedings

6012: Leap onto the 3DEXPERIENCE platform with CATIA V5

COE University, Proceedings

6016: (NC) Introduction to Prismatic Machining

Manufacturing, Proceedings

6017: (MAN) Manufacturing Orientation

Manufacturing, Proceedings

6018: (MAN) Manufacturing Roundtable

Design, Proceedings

6030: (PD) (EME) Wire Harness Design - MCAD Improvements

Design, Proceedings

6038: PRODUCT (CMP) Composite Product Session - What's new in 2018x

Design, Proceedings

6039: PRODUCT (ADD) Light Weight Engineering and Topology Optimization – Including 2018x update

Design, Proceedings

6040: (PD) Industrial Use Case for Function Driven Generative Design

Design, Proceedings

6040: (PD) Industrial Use Case for Function Driven Generative Design
