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Welcome to the COE Content Center! This page includes listings of news, proceedings and webinar recordings. While the descriptions are available to all, attachments and videos may only be available to members. Make sure you are logged into your member account to view.

Design, Proceedings

End to End Electrical Cabling Design on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Design, Proceedings

High Fidelity Visualization

Design, Proceedings

Immersive Design Validation and Decision Making

Design, Proceedings

Material Intelligence for Design and Simulation

Design, Proceedings

Molecular Modeling of Composites for Performance and Producability

Design, Proceedings

POWER'BY - A Novel Experience in MultiCAD Integrations

Design, Proceedings

PRODUCT Shape Design & Styling (SDS) - Functions - What's new in 2019x Creative Design - Concept Design

Design, Proceedings

PRODUCT Shape Design & Styling (SDS) - Requirements - What's new in 2019x Creative Design - surface refinement

Design, Proceedings

SpreadSheet Editor (SSE) Import of Electrical Objects

Design, Proceedings

The Evolution of Powerhouse and Substation Design from CATIA V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE
