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Welcome to the COE Content Center! This page includes listings of news, proceedings and webinar recordings. While the descriptions are available to all, attachments and videos may only be available to members. Make sure you are logged into your member account to view.

Analyze & Simulate, Proceedings

Optimize Your Manufacturing Process with a Digital Twin that Goes Beyond Just a Virtual Machine

Analyze & Simulate, Proceedings

Optimize Your Manufacturing Process with a Digital Twin that Goes Beyond Just a Virtual Machine

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

CATIA/ENOVIA Migration Toolkit: A Technical Discussion

Analyze & Simulate, Proceedings

Virtually Commission your Pharma Manufacturing Line before Physical Implementation

Design, Proceedings

PRODUCT Shape Design & Styling (SDS) - Requirements - What's new in 2022x Creative Design - surface refinement

Manufacturing, Proceedings

Ergonomic Workplace Design & MyHealth@Work: Safest Factory Ever

Analyze & Simulate, Proceedings

SysML Basics

Manufacturing, Proceedings

Digital tools improving machining performance!

Manufacturing, Proceedings

Digital tools improving machining performance!

Develop & Deploy, Proceedings

Best Practice Use Cases for a Seamless Digital Thread Across 3DEXPERIENCE and SAP
