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Welcome to the new COE Content Center! This section includes listings of news, proceedings, and webinar recordings. While the descriptions are available to all, attachments and videos may only be available to members. Make sure you are logged into your member account to view.

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

3DEXPERIENCE® Eco-Design and its Application in Enterprise Sustainability Initiatives

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

Accelerate product launch with virtual twin on 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

Accomplish More with Issue-driven Change Management Solutions from ENOVIA

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

Automated Data Exchange Scenarios for Intellectual Property and Other Engineering Data

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

Boost Team Collaboration & Innovation with the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

Discover Latest and Greatest Product Enhancements and Solutions from ENOVIA

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

Discover Multi-CAD Management Capabilities on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

Enforce sustainable goals to design performant innovative products with reduced environmental footprint

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

ENOVIA User Community Roundtable

Data Management & Collaboration, Proceedings

Experience the Power of ENOVIA's Flexible, Team-based Project Planning & Execution on the Cloud
