Qualifications and Responsibilities
Deadline to apply is March 7th!
The Community of Experts (COE) of Dassault Systemes Solutions is an independent, self-financing, non-profit organization which exists for the benefit of all those who use Dassault Systèmes solutions.
The board of directors is the governing body of COE, responsible for the ultimate direction of the management of the affairs of the organization. The board is responsible for policymaking, while staff and committees are responsible for executing day-to-day management to implement board-made policy. Board responsibilities include:
- Review and approve annual budget
- Review and approve major organizational decisions, commitments and plans including expenditures
- Serve as a liaison to one or more operations committees such as: Conference Planning, Membership & Marketing, Academic & Certification, Partner Relations, Discovery Panel, etc.
- Evaluate progress toward program and financial goals
- Ensure the continuity of the organization through development and recruitment of executive staff
- In conjunction with executive staff, provide leadership on organizational transition, structure and planning
- Support/evaluate Executive Director
- Conduct affairs of the board including board development, transition and effectiveness
Directors are elected at the COE annual conference from a slate of candidates recommended by the Leadership Management Committee and approved by the board of directors.
- A candidate must be an employee of a member organization of COE that is in good standing with COE.
- A candidate's primary job function must be Dassault Systèmes PLM Solutions related.
- A candidate may or may not have significant COE expierence as defined as:
- Current/Past experience in a position with COE, such as a Board Member, Process or Product Chair; or Chair of one of the program committees such as: Conference, Workshop, Marketing, Membership, etc. is considered but not manditory.
- A candidate must state in writing a willingness to serve on the Board of Directors for a term of three years.
- A candidate's employer must commit in writing to support the candidate's responsibilities to COE for a three-year term. These responsibilities include:
- Attend the COE annual conference and potentially one other COE event related to the employers business each year at the employer’s expense.
- Attend two to three Board of Directors meetings per year at employer’s expense. These meetings are typically 1.5 days long and scheduled in the summer, fall and winter.
- Attend monthly conference calls in the months when the board does not hold face to face meetings.
- Contribute additional time and incidental resources necessary to perform the functions related to the position of COE Director, i.e. periodic committee or task force calls.
Apply Now - Deadline is March 7th, 2025!